Out and About in Our Community
A group of children from the Junior band were invited to play at Rosemount residential care home on Tuesday 6th July. The children played a variety of music in an hour concert to entertain the elderly, which was greatly received by everyone, including the staff. The children were given chocolate as a token of appreciation so they have decided that they will definitely be returning to the home this Christmas!
June Newsletter
Happy Birthday to the Great North Children’s Hospital!
A group of 13 players from the band attended the 5th birthday party for the Great North Children’s hospital this weekend. Thank you to both staff and children for giving up part of their weekend to attend this event. The children were highly praised by the general public and their behaviour was outstanding all day!
White River Brass
The Northern Echo have published an article along with some photographs online about Friday’s concert with White River Brass! Thank you to all of the children, parents, friends and relatives that came to watch the performance! The comments from children, staff and older band members have all been extremely positive and lovely to hear! Well done Consett Junior Brass!
May Newsletter
April Newsletter
Band Day in the Easter Holidays
It was lovely to see some of the children from the band attending school in the Easter holidays! They were busy most of the day rehearsing two new pieces of music, ready for the concert with White River Brass in June. We did however find some time for a brilliant game of Rounders!
The children who attended behaved exceptionally as usual and a great day was had by all!
March Newsletter
Concert in Tesco
Local shoppers were treat to a surprise concert in Tesco on Friday morning. Children from the school band and choir entertained staff and customers, playing, singing and even dancing to a range of Easter songs!
Easter Service
The children took pleasure in playing at our local church on Thursday. Their favourite part was playing ‘Celebrate’, while the rest of the school sang along.
Comic Relief Coffee Morning!
Thank you to all of the parents who attended our recent coffee morning. We raised a total of £298, for Comic Relief! The children thoroughly enjoy playing to an audience and can’t wait to play at Consett Empire Theatre, in June.
February Newsletter
Did you see us in the Newspaper?
The children from the band featured in the local Advertiser and Northern Echo this week! The report focused around an important event, where the children will perform with the world famous White River Brass in June of this year. It also told readers about the new trophies which have been put in place for our Player’s of the Month!
Band day!!!
In the half term holiday we had a ‘band day’ at school! The children continue to show true dedication by attending school to practise their instruments in the holidays! They all worked so hard and the staff involved were very proud of them.
January Newsletter
January Players of the Month!!!
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