Welcome to our School Council.
What We Do
The school council meet at least once every half term to discuss issues concerning our school, the children in our school, and the wider community.
The school council were responsible for organising a school fair in order to raise money to build a trim-trail and pirate ship for use at break times. In addition they hold a non-uniform day on the last day of each half term. Children pay a fine to come in non-uniform and money raised is usually spent on renewing play equipment for indoor and outdoor breaks.
At least once a term, the school council organise fund raising activities for charities. In the past Comic Relief, Sports Relief, the Haiti Appeal, Children in Need and Action Aid (to name but a few) have all been supported by the children.
The school council often meet with outside agencies. Recently they attended a meeting with Taylor Shaw who provide our school meals. They were able to voice their thoughts regarding lunches and suggest improvements.
They play a very important decision making role and strive to make Consett Juniors a school which listens to and values the opinions of its pupils.
Since the school council started in 2004 we have raised £19,354.38 this has been spent on donations to charity £5681.48, fun trail/pirate ship £2775, Disco’s, Playtime equipment for indoor and outdoor play, etc, The money left at the end of each financial year is spent on things for the children.
The children on the school council decide what this money should be spent on, which is usually treats for all the children in school so they organise sleep overs in school for the Year 6 children, and normally swimming parties or trips to Jumbo Jungle for the rest of the children. The money is usually spent in the summer before we finish for the school year. Each class decide how to spend their money.
Who We Are
Our school council is made up of sixteen children in total. One boy representative and one girl representative from each class. These children were elected at the start of the academic year by their class mates.