Hello everyone and a huge welcome to Class 5 (2024-25). Class 5 is made up of 28 year five pupils. On a Monday and Tuesday Mrs Taylor will be teaching the class, and Mr Meadows will be teaching Class 5 on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Watson will be supporting children in this class throughout the year.
About us
Hi, I’m Mr Meadows, and this is my third consecutive year in Y5. I have been a teacher for 26 years, and I have taught in all KS2 year groups. In Consett Junior School I am the Maths lead, and Maths is one of my favourite subjects. However, I enjoy teaching all areas of the curriculum. I also hope to get to do lots of Forest School with Class 5 this year. My main aim is to help the Y5 children enjoy school, achieve their full potential and prepare them for their transition into Y6. In my spare time, I enjoy competing my horse Prince in dressage competitions, and I also spend a lot of my time being a human cushion for my cats Zip, Button and Skye.
Hi, I’m Mrs Taylor and I teach in year 5 on a Monday and Tuesday. I have been a teacher for 15 years, in fact I came here as a student and never left! Here in Consett Juniors I am the Art lead and it is my favourite subject, I also enjoy doing an art after school club in the Spring term. I’d love to know what your favourite type of art or artist is? In my spare time I enjoy spending time with my two children who are 13 and 11 and my dog Maddie who is 3. I also like going to the gym and shopping with my friends.
Class 5 and Class 6 will work closely together on The Nowhere Emporium, Holes, Bloddon’s Adventure and we will also do a poetry topic based on the work of Karl Nova. We are excited to see what amazing pieces of work Class 5 create based on these inspiring texts.
White Rose Maths is the scheme which will form the foundations of our daily maths lessons. Each day we will do a variety of fluency, reasoning and problem-solving questions. Children will also get the opportunity to secure their fluency knowledge by using White Rose Infinity, and challenge questions will be used to stretch our fast finishers.
Foundation Subjects
Crime & Punishment, Anglo Saxons & Vikings and the Slave Trade.
Fantastic Journeys, What Shapes Our World? And Where Does Our Food Come From?
Jigsaw (PSHCE)
Being Me, Celebrating Difference, Dreams & Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me.
Space, Properties of Materials, Forces, Animals Including Humans and Living Things & Their Habitats.
Physical Education
Tag Rugby, Gymnastics, Football, Dance, Basketball, Yoga, Athletics, Fitness, OAA, Volleyball, Cricket and Badminton. Children will have one indoor and one outdoor PE lesson per week.
Music will be taught by Mrs Jackson every Monday afternoon throughout Y5 in the Jackson Suite.
CJS TT Class 5 Autumn 2 November 2024