School Admissions
Here at Consett Junior School, we follow the Durham County Council Admissions Policy. All parents must apply directly to the Local Authority for admission into the Reception Class and any in-year transfers. Please visit the Durham County Council website for information regarding the School Admission Process and Primary School Admissions. To appeal against an admission decision visit: School Admissions Appeals.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Applying for a school place if your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan or a Statement of SEN
Children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan (or Statement of Special Education Needs) follow a different admission and transfer process for a new school. Please continue to complete Durham County Council’s parental preference form, as part of the admission process to a new school. You continue to have a right to request a particular school and this will be considered alongside the information that we have about your child’s special educational needs. The information would have been provided as part of the Education, Health and Care assessment or following the review meeting
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.
Transition to Secondary School
The majority of children from Consett Junior School move up to the local secondary school Consett Academy. Some children access other secondary provision, St. Bedes and Wolsingham schools.
No matter which school parents choose, we facilitate visits, which allows the children to gain an experience of their chosen school.
To aid transition, staff from the secondary schools will visit our school and conduct Q&A sessions – as well as liaising with Teaching staff. More information about these events will be sent home with your child as and when necessary. If you have any questions about the transition process, please do get in contact with us in school and we will do our best to assist.
To apply for a secondary school place for your child please visit the Durham County Council Secondary School Admissions Website for more information. The closing date is the 31st October.