Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and in 2012–13 individual schools were allocated funding for children from low-income families who were eligible for free school meals, looked after children and those from families with parents in the Armed Forces.
Beginning in 2021, the Department of Education has revised the format in which we must share our Premium allocation – the spending, where possible, should be linked to available Education research. Our Pupil Premium Statement is shared below:
Sports Premium
The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.
As part of the funding requirements for PE and Sport we must share the following; the number of year 6 children who can swim 25m, perform a range of strokes and perform a safe rescue.
In 2021-2022 the following percentages were achieved:
- Those who can swim 25m: 50%
- Those who can perform a range of strokes: 93%
- Those who can perform a safe rescue: 45%
You can view or download our latest Sports Premium allocation and find out how this has been used at our school from the link below:
Catch-up Premium
In June 2020 the government announced £1 billion of funding to support children and young people to catch up on missed learning caused by coronavirus (COVID19). This is especially important for the most vulnerable pupils and pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds who we know have been most affected.
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