After School Clubs w/c 16th April 2018
The clubs we have available for the next half term are:
*NEW* Outdoor Cricket Club for children in all years, every Thursday until 4.30 p.m. £7.50 for the full 6 week half term, limited to 20 places.
*NEW* Invitiation only Nurture Group. If we think your child would benefit from this club we have already sent you information. If you have not received an invite but would like your child to be offered a place, please ring Mrs Raine. More information about this new group can be found on the ‘News’ Section of the App and website. Children in year 3 will be brought back to school from the baths by Mrs Hannant as soon as they are ready, or parents of these children can bring them back down to school themselves. This club will run for the whole summer term, every Thursday until 4.30 p.m. The cost of this club is £1 per week and children can bring an extra £1 for the tuck shop. If you would like to pay for the whole term, and for Mrs Raine to keep your child’s weekly tuck shop money, this cost is £26.
Free art club will continue for year 3 every Friday until 4.30 p.m. Free, limited to 20 places. FULL. This club will end for our current year 3’s on Friday 29th June.
A register of children attending is taken. Band, karate and cross country remain as last term (members only).
After School Clubs w/c 19th February 2018
The clubs we have available for this half term are:
Indoor Athletics Club in the hall for children in all years every Thursday until 4.30 p.m. £7.50 for the 5 week term, limited to 20 places. * not on Thursday 22nd March due to consultation evenings.
Art club will continue for year 3 every Friday until 4.30 p.m. Free, limited to 20 places. FULL
A register of children attending is taken.
Band, karate and cross country remain as last term (members only).
After School Clubs w/c 20th October 2017
The clubs we have available for this half term are:
Code Club in the ICT suite for year 4 & 5 every Thursday until 4.30 p.m. £1.50 per week and limited to 15 places.
Multi-Skills in the hall for years 3 & 4 every Thursday until 4.30 p.m. £1.50 per week and limited to 20 places.
Countdown to Christmas Club in the hall (1st week only in a classroom) for all years every Wednesday until 5.15 p.m. £1.50 per week to cover the cost of the refreshments. Children can either pay for the full 7 weeks or buy their ‘countdown tickets’ weekly on a Monday as each weekly film will be advertised for them. Children can bring fruit (only) to this club and juice will be provided.
Art club will continue for year 3 every Friday until 4.30 p.m. Free, limited to 20 places. FULL
Band, karate and cross country remain as last term
After school clubs September 2017
From the w/c 11th September we have a variety of after-school clubs available. Many are limited in the number of children we can accommodate, but they will be reviewed after each half term, and offered to other children accordingly. All clubs (not cross country or band) will be reviewed at the end of the 1st half term and may be subject to change. See below for more details:
Cross Country – this will remain as previous terms; Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes for years 4, 5 & 6 only. FREE..
Band this will also remain as previous terms for members only and will be after school each Monday until 4.30 p.m. The cost of this £1.50 each week.
Karate club in the hall will remain as the previous terms for members only, but there are places available to join. This is for all year groups. The club is every Tuesday until 4.30 p.m. and sessions are paid termly to Kensho Karate club (£3.00 per session).
Football club outside for years 5 & 6 every Monday until 4.30 p.m. £1.50 per week and limited to 20 places.
Rugby club outside for years 5 & 6 every Wednesday until 4.30 p.m. £2.00 per week and limited to 20 places.
Multi-Skills in the hall for years 3 & 4 every Thursday until 4.30 p.m. £1.50 per week and limited to 20 places.
Coding club in the ICT room for years 4 & 5 every Thursday until 4.30 p.m. £1.50 per week and limited to 15 places. This club has been postponed until after the October half term.
Art club for year 3 every Friday until 4.30 p.m. Free, limited to 20 places.
Free Year 6 SATS booster classes 2017
Free after school booster classes will commence on Thursday 2nd February until further notice. Children will be supported in their Numeracy, Literacy and SPAG ready for the May SATS tests.
Cross Country
Following cross country trials held by Mr Moore in September, we now have a very good cross country team to represent Consett Juniors at after school cross country events. Mr Moore has informed parents/carers if there child has been selected and details of planned county races have been sent home. School training will also be every Wednesday lunch time, so please ensure your child has their running kits for this day. Children will run in areas local to the school with 4 members of staff.
Any questions, please speak to Mr Moore or Miss Oselton.
Clubs to watch out for this term
- Movie Club Returns……………………….
- Fitness Boot Camp…………………………
Football club for years 5 and 6
Mr Moore has arranged for the football coach to attend school once again for 6 weeks to coach a mixed football after school session on Mondays. The session will accommodate a mix of 20 pupils and the cost is £1 per session. The club will commence on Monday 12th September 2016. This club is now full.
Karate Sessions for Years 3 and 4
From Tuesday 13th September 2016 there will be an on going after school karate club. This club has limited places and will operate a waiting list system from September 2016. We currently have 5 places available before a waiting list is to be implemented. The karate club is provided by an external club called Kensho Karate Club and all subs are to be paid termly and direct to them. If you have been granted a place you will have been notified by Mrs Raine In July 2016 and provided with your first invoice.
Football club for years 3 and 4
Mr Moore has arranged for a football coach to attend school for 6 weeks to coach a mixed football after school session. Letters will go out shortly and this will be a strictly first come basis. The session can accommodate 20 pupils (10 boys and 10 girls) and will be £1 per session. The club will operate on a Tuesday after school until 4.30 p.m. commencing 7th June 2016.
Movie Club *Important update*
Thursday 19th May was the final movie club for this academic year. This may be revisited in the new academic year.
Homework Club (Year 5 & 6) – *Important update*
This club has been cancelled due to an insufficient number of children attending. Therefore no homework club from 19th April 2016 onwards. This may be revisited in the new school year.
Year 6 SATS booster sessions
All children have the opportunity to be part of a free after school club, ran by Miss Waters and Miss Astbury to support them in the lead up to the May SATS (w/c 9th May 2016).
A parents evening was held in February which emphasised the importance of these sessions and the benefit all children would receive from attending them.
Initially, 3 sessions each week was suggested, however, after further consideration it was been reduced to 2 sessions each week, as follows:
- Maths – Tuesday 3.30 – 5.00 p.m.
- Literacy – Thursday 3.30 – 5.00 p.m.
All children are aware of these sessions, and parent/carer permission forms have already been sent home. It is very important that children bring their assessment books into school on these days as they are the focus of each session and children will work through individual sections in the books, based on their areas requiring improvement.
Gardening Club is back!
Clare Garnham from OASES is running this club on a Thursday night from 3.30 – 4.30 p.m. There will be a charge of £1 per week for this club. Children will need suitable outdoor gear including waterproof coat and wellingtons. Mrs Willmot will circulate letters shortly with further details of this club.
Movie Club with refreshments
This club runs every Thursday after school until 5.30 p.m. and costs £1. Children can bring a portion of fruit for the movie and will be offered a carton of juice.
School Swimming Classes
Swimming at Consett Junior School is part of the school day and is always the last lesson of the school day, schedule as follows:
Year 4 – Monday
Year 3 – Thursday
Year 5 – Friday
Please ensure children bring their swimming kits on their scheduled days and must be collected from the baths.
Year 6 SAT booster
As you know, year six SATs are fast approaching.
There was a SATS parents evening on Tuesday 26th January for all Year 6 parents/carers and their children. Year 6 staff delivered a presentation relating to the May SATS and informed of the expectations and requirements of the children. It is important that they are supported at this busy time. SATS revision book order forms were circulated and parents/carers were given dates and details of the free SATS after school booster classes, details as follows:
Monday – Reading
Tuesday – Maths
Thursday – SPAG
Children are welcome to come to all or some of the classes depending on their areas requiring support.
Football Training
Football training is on over two lunchtimes: Monday for years 5 & 6; Tuesday for years 3 & 4. Children need a P.E. kit (can be football strips if they want for this club) shinpads and football boots/trainers. There is no charge for this club as it is during school hours.
Homework Club (Year 5 & 6)
This club is on a Tuesday after school until 4.30 p.m., it is a free club and aims to support children to complete their homework if they find difficulty in doing so at home. This is a group support session not one to one tuition.
Breakfast Club
We have a daily Breakfast Club with supervision (£2.00 per day), starting at 7.45 a.m. until 8.40 a.m. Children should not arrive before 7.45 a.m. as the doors will be locked.
Please make sure your child pays the £2.00 on the day they stay, if your child stays everyday you can pay the full amount on the Monday if this is easier for you but no c/f or refunds will be given your child does not attend (unless unwell)
Children who do not come for Breakfast Club should not be on the school premises before 8.40 a.m.
School Brass Band
This is run by Mr. Jackson and Miss Waters and the Brass Band members practice almost every day!
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