Intent Statement:
The purpose of our D.T curriculum is to encourage all children to develop the skills they need for designing and making through a range of creative and practical activities. Exciting opportunities will be provided for children to work in a range of relevant contexts, reflecting the real world. We want to develop children’s ability to investigate, analyse and evaluate a range of products, applying their understanding and technical knowledge across a range of products and materials. There will be meaningful links between D.T and other subjects. Each year group will also develop the skills needed to prepare and cook healthy food.
Currently, to maximise time, we teach a weekly block of Design Technology 3 times a year – once in Autumn, once in Spring and once during the Summer term.
We have chosen to adopt the Kapow Scheme of work, which supports teachers and children through a range of carefully planned lessons. Each Unit are supported by Knowledge Organisers, which support the children in their quest for Knowledge.
Building upon this, we introduce a famous Designer/Maker each day during their Design Technology block.
Key areas:
The Design Curriculum is split into the following Key areas –
- Cooking and Nutrition – Where food comes from, balanced diets, preparation and cooking skills. Hygiene and Safety and following recipes.
- Mechanisms and Mechanical systems – Mimic natural movements using mechanisms using levers and sliders.
- Structures – Materials; strength, stability and reinforced structures.
- Textiles – Fastening, sewing, decorative and functional fabrics; including stitching.
- Electrical Systems – Operational series circuits, components, diagrams and symbols.
Topics (With links to their Knowledge Organisers)
Year 3:
Castles (Structures) – KO-DT-Y3-Castles
Cushions (Textiles) – KO-DT-Y3-Cushions
Pneumatic Toys (Mechanisms) – KO-DT-Y3-Pneumatic-Toys
Year 4:
Adapting a recipe (Cooking & Nutrition) – KO-DT-Y4-Food
Pavilions (Structures) – KO-DT-Y4-Structures-Pavilions
Torches (Electrical systems) – KO-DT-Y4-Electrical-Torches
Year 5:
Pop Up books (Mechanisms) – KOs-DT-Y5-Mechanical-Systems
What could be healthier? – KOs-DT-Y5-Food
Stuffed Toys – KO-DT-Y5-Textiles
Year 6:
Playgrounds (Structures) – KO-DT-Y6-Playgrounds
Steady Hand Games (Electrical Systems) – KO-DT-Y6-Steady-hand-game
Come Dine with Me (Cooking & Nutrition) – KO-DT-Y6-Come-dine-with-me