Religious Education is an important element in the broad and balanced curriculum we aim to provide at Consett Junior School. Religious Education enables our pupils to investigate and reflect on some of the most fundamental questions asked by people. We enable pupils to develop a sound knowledge not only of Christianity but also of other world religions. Pupils reflect on what it means to have a faith and to develop their own spiritual knowledge and understanding. We help the pupils learn from religions as well as about religions.
At Consett Junior School RE is taught according to the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Durham, which was last revised in 2020. We ensure that the topics studied in Religious Education build upon prior learning. Each class in school will have an hour of RE each week.
Pupils will study aspects of Christianity as our core religion, but will also study aspects of Hinduism, Judaism and Islam to enhance our knowledge and understanding of other faiths.
Children will build religious literacy by:
- developing knowledge and understanding of religious and nonreligious world views.
- becoming increasingly able to respond to religious and non-religious worldviews in an informed and insightful way.
- reflecting on their own ideas and the ideas of others.
To be successful in building their Religious literacy the Agreed Syllabus includes three areas to cover the aims of Religious Education.
- Knowledge and Understanding
- Critical Thinking
- Personal Reflection
If parents believe that the RE that we are teaching is against their Religion or beliefs, they are able, following a discussion with the school to remove their children from the all/part of these lessons.