Science Intent
“Science is not a mechanism but a human process, and not a set of findings but the search for them through asking questions”
Jacob Bronowski, ‘Science and Human Values’
At Consett Junior School, the purpose of Science education is to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to make sense of the world around them, reveling in its wonders.
Regardless of a child’s background, they will be given tools to effectively question, not accept, results to hands-on practical experiments which take advantage of both the schools indoor and outdoor facilities.
We aim to inspire children to live healthy and fulfilled lives and become citizens of the world who make positive contributions towards building a more sustainable future for all. Innovation and high expectations are encouraged, taking children beyond their everyday experiences and preparing them to enter an ever-changing, highly-competitive world.
We are committed to deliver 2 hours of Science per week across the year. Staff will deliver this either as a double lesson or as two single lessons depending on timetabling issues. Currently we have adapted the ‘Plymouth Science Scheme’ adapting it to meet the needs of our pupils.
Scientific enquiry will also be taught but will be embedded within the content of biology, chemistry and physics, focusing on the key features of scientific enquiry, so that pupils learn to use a variety of approaches to answer relevant scientific questions.
These types of scientific enquiry should include:
- observing over time
- pattern seeking
- identifying, classifying and grouping
- comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations)
- researching using secondary sources.
Pupils should seek answers to questions through collecting, analysing and presenting data.
Pupils should be able to describe associated processes and key characteristics in common language, but they should also be familiar with, and use, technical terminology accurately and precisely. They should build up an extended specialist vocabulary. They should also apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science, including collecting, presenting and analysing data.
During the second half of the Spring Term, we focus our learning on Famous Scientists, as well as incorporating British Science week.
Year | Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
3 | Animals including Humans | Light | Forces and Magnets | A cross school topic based on British Science Week, linked to Inventors and Scientists. | Plants | Rocks |
4 | Animals including Humans | States of Matter | Electricity | A cross school topic based on British Science Week, linked to Inventors and Scientists. | Sound | Living things and their Habitats |
5 | Forces | Earth and Space | Properties and changes of materials | A cross school topic based on British Science Week, linked to Inventors and Scientists. | Living things and their Habitats | Animals including Humans |
6 | Animals including Humans | Electricity | Light | A cross school topic based on British Science Week, linked to Inventors and Scientists. | Living things and their Habitats | Evolution and Inheritance |
We use Plymouth Science to support our delivery – The Knowledge and Skills of our Science coverage can be accessed below:
- Science Knowledge and Skills Coverage Year 3 updated
- Science Knowledge and Skills Coverage Year 4 updated
- Science Knowledge and Skills Coverage Year 5 updated
- Science Knowledge and Skills Coverage Year 6 updated