Dear Parents/Carers and our lovely children
We hope you have enjoyed a fun filled, busy and wonderful summer break. We are very much looking forward to hearing lots of stories of adventures had and memories made on the children’s return to school next week. Below are a few reminders and bits of information to read before starting back…
First day back – School re-opens on Wednesday 4th September (Tuesday 3rd is staff training day)
Breakfast club – You do not need to book a place for this club. It starts at 7.45 a.m., so please ensure your child does not arrive before this time as there is no supervision of your child until 7.45 a.m. breakfast club is £2.50 per day, this must be paid using ParentPay in the week your child attends. Children come to the main door and ring the bell to enter.
School start time – School starts at 8.55 a.m. The yard gate will be opened and supervised by Mr Dixon at 8.40 a.m., children dropped off before this time will not be supervised, so please consider this if you drop them any earlier. If children come into school before 8.40 a.m. you will be charged for the breakfast club service.
School meals – Children must return to school on the same school meal arrangement they accessed before the holidays, unless you informed Mrs Raine otherwise. There is a two week notice period required for a change to school meal arrangements. If you change without notifying the office then your ParentPay account will be charged the daily rate. School meals remain at £2.05 and the weekly rate is £10.25. Children on packed lunches can access a dinner on a Friday as part of an on-going Fun Friday arrangement we run. Children must order their lunch on a Monday by returning the order form (or a written note), with payment.
Swimming lessons – Year 3 swim last lesson every Thursday, this will start in the second week back (12th). Year 4 will swim last lesson on a Monday. Year 5 and 6 will share sessions during the academic year, starting with Year 6. Year 6 will swim last lesson on a Friday from the second week back (13th). The change over date tbc. Children need to be collected from the baths on these days.
School uniform – Please visit our website for the school uniform requirements. All children must be in the correct uniform, which includes shoes and P.E. kit. Our uniform supplier is Tots to Teams.
School finish time – School finishes at 3.30 p.m. Parents/Carers of children in year 3 are welcome to come into the yard and wait at the TOP of the yard by the grass verge (not spread across the yard). Year 3 children will be brought out by their teachers at 3.25 p.m. Parents/Carers of children in all other years must ensure they inform their child of where they will be waiting for them at the end of the day. This is usually anywhere from the main gate to the crossing patrol person, or possibly walking home if local to the school.
Appointments – All routine medical appointments, unless an emergency or exceptional circumstances, should be made outside of the school day. If they are during the school day, you must provide a copy of the appointment details.
Emergency contact information – If you have moved house, changed your contact number, or your listed contacts change, please forward this information to Mrs Raine on the first day. If you are a family who require two sets of important information, you must inform us of this. If you are a parent who does not live with your child, we can post important information to your address, i.e. school reports/newsletters.
Water bottles – Children in year 3 will be provided with a school water bottle (and homework bag) on their first day. Additional water bottles can be bought from Mrs Raine for £2.00.
After school clubs – All clubs will re-commence in the second week back to school (except cross country for current members, this lunchtime running will start on the first day back). Letters have already been sent out and reminder texts will follow next week. Please pay for your chosen club in the first week back if you have not already done so. Art club will also return in the second week back, this is for our new Year 3 children. There are only 25 spaces available so please do not assume you will receive a place. Letters for Art club will be sent out next week.
Payments to school – If applicable to you, dinner money and breakfast club payments MUST be made using ParentPay. Fund, clubs, charity and trips are paid directly to the school office, but must be in a clearly labelled envelope. School fund can be paid in the same way or dropped into our ‘money spinner’. School fund is £1 per week (or a donation if you prefer) and is used for resources for the children.
School texts – If you need to contact the school to inform of absences, general enquiries etc., we have a school text number, 07537436638 . Alternatively you can send an email to . If your child is absent from school you must ensure you inform us, otherwise this is recorded as an unauthorised absence, which will result in an attendance referral if they hit the triggers. It is our responsibility to monitor and support attendance in our school.
We hope this information is useful, especially for those new to our school. Please contact us should you need any further help.
Looking forward to seeing and meeting you all over the next few weeks.