If your child is absent from school for any reason you MUST inform the school. There are several children absent today and no reason has been provided. There are several ways you can inform the school office, as it is known that sometimes getting through on the on busy mornings can be difficult.
You can ring 01207 504431, you can text 07537436638 or you can email consettjunior@durhamlearning.net
If your child is poorly and their illness means they need to be absent for 48 hours, you do not need to ring on the second day of absence, however, if this goes into the third day then you must make contact with school.
If your child’s absences become frequent or pattern based, i.e. off regularly on Mondays or Fridays, then action will be taken to prove your child is off unwell. This may mean letters are requested from their GP, or a home visit from the school or attendance team officer.
Further concern will result in a referral to the Local Authority, where warnings, interviews or fines are issued. If you do not inform the office regarding absence, or we have reason to believe the reason provided for your child’s absence is not correct, we will refer. There have been occasions where children have told us they have been on holiday, yet families claim they have been unwell.
It is against the law to keep your child off school if they are well enough to be in.