Below are details of the second half of the autumn terms after school clubs. Letters for the three ‘New’ clubs will be given to children to book their place(s). Our clubs are popular so please ensure you return your forms sooner rather than later.
Lego and Mindfulness and Dodgeball clubs will finish w/c 21st October, and will NOT continue after the half term holidays.
*NEW* Doodle Club for children in years 4 and 5 every Tuesday until 4.30 p.m. from Tuesday 5th November. The cost is £6.00 for the 6 week half term (not including the last week of half term), limited to 25 places. The last session will the Tuesday 10th December.
*NEW* Badminton Club for children in year 6 for four Thursdays until 4.30 p.m. from Thursday 7th November. The cost is £4.00 for the 4 week half term (not including the last three weeks of half term), limited to 16 places. The last session will the Thursday 28th November.
*NEW* Countdown to Christmas movie club with refreshments, for children in all years for three Thursdays in December. The movies on show are on the app calendar, but a letter will also be sent out. Each movie is on from 3.30 – 5.15 p.m. and each week the cost is £1.50. Children can pay to stay for all three movies, or pay only for certain ones. Please return your letter and payment to book your child onto the movie register. A reminder text will be sent to families the day before each movie. Children will be provided with a drink and they can bring fruit (ONLY).
*CHANGES* Football Training will continue after school until 4.45 p.m. every Friday. But due to the popularity of this club, and the poorer weather, after half term the football training will only be offered to children in years 3 and 4. After Christmas and until the February half term it will only be offered to children in year 5 & 6. After that then it will change again. THERE ARE NO SPACES FOR NEW MEMBERS – EXISTING MEMBERS ONLY.
w/c 4th November until Friday 13th December (6 weeks) – children in year 3 and 4 only. Not the last day of term.
w/c 7th January until Friday 14th February (6 weeks) – children in year 5 and 6 only.
Please note – selected girls in upper school will be invited to train regardless of their year group, due to upcoming girls fixtures.
Art club will continue every Friday, until 4.30 p.m., this club will run until June 2020. This is for children in Year 3 only and is currently full with a waiting list. There is NO art club on Friday 20th December.
Brass band – For current members will continue from Monday 4th November until 4.30 p.m. and is £1.50 per week.
Karate club – For existing members will run after school from Tuesday 5th November until Tuesday 3rd December. The grading date for the autumn term is during school time on Tuesday 10th December. Date to recommence after Christmas is to be decided.
Cross Country – This is a lunchtime running club for existing members. Children run Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes. Selected children also run after school on a Tuesday. This club will run for the entire academic year.
A register of children attending all clubs will be taken. Band, karate, football, art and cross country remain as last term (members only).