Welcome back to the start of a new term, this is the spring term, with a one week half term holiday in February (w/c 17th February, returning to school on Monday 24th February).
School term and half term dates can be found on our website or this School App. We hope everyone has enjoyed a restful break, with special moments and times with family and friends, we look forward to hearing all the special stories from the children this week.
School re-opens tomorrow (Tuesday 7th January) at 7.45 a.m. for breakfast club, please can we remind you that breakfast club CANNOT be accessed before this time so please ensure you wait with your child until 7.45 a.m.
Please pay dinner money/ breakfast club on ParentPay for this week as well as any money outstanding from last term. Children must return to school on the same dinner arrangements (unless otherwise changed with Mrs Raine), if your child changes without giving notice, your ParentPay account will be charged.
Apart from Cross Country, there are no after school clubs this week. Some existing clubs and all new clubs start next week (Recycling Club and Basketball). If your child has requested to join one of the new clubs and they handed in their form, this was returned last term. A text reminder will be sent to parents/carers this week, please ensure you pay before the club starts. Both new clubs are full. Band, Karate, Art and Football training ARE all back on next week. Further club details can be found on this website or the School App. Football training is now for children in Year 5 & 6 (but only if they were members in September 2019).
Swimming will recommence this week, Year 3 on Thursday, Year 5 on Friday and Year 4 next Monday.
Year 3 children will have an opportunity to participate in a cross country trial at the end of the spring term term, and those successful will be invited to join the weekly training team after Easter.
Attendance letters were sent home last term, some letters requested a meeting, if this is the case please ensure you ring school to make a convenient time to come in for the support we feel you need to improve this moving forward. If you do not make a meeting, we will need to contact you.