On the 24th of February the GB Athlete, Matt Lee, will be coming to school to work with the children. In the morning, Matt will give an inspiring assembly to tell everyone about his personal journey and then talk to the children about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and having a positive attitude. Following the assembly, Matt will do a fitness circuit with each class.
On Thursday 23rd January, all children received a sponsor form for the circuit activity and were informed of the prizes they would receive for raising certain amounts (this information can also be found on the sponsorship form).
Please can all sponsorship forms and money be returned to your child’s class teacher no later than the 10th of February. Money raised from sponsorship will go to ‘Sporting Champions’ who support up and coming GB sporting stars with their training and expenses.
If, as a school, we raise more than £400 in total, we will receive 60% of the surplus amount to spend on sporting equipment for the children.
As every child will be taking part in the circuit, regardless of sponsorship raised, please can you ensure your child has their PE kit with them on this day.