Below are details of the second half of the spring terms after school clubs. Letters for the two ‘New’ clubs will be given to children to book their place(s). Our clubs are popular so please ensure you return your forms sooner rather than later. Nurture club letters have gone out today (31/01/2020), the IF U Care Share Fair Crafts letter will go out on Monday.
Recycling Club finishes on Tuesday 11th February and Basketball Club finishes on Thursday 13th February.
*NEW* IF U Care Share Craft Making Club for children in all years 4 & 5 every Tuesday until 4.30 p.m. from Tuesday 25th February. The cost is £6.00 for the 6 week half term, limited to 25 places. The last session will be Tuesday 31st March. All crafts (friendship brace lists etc) made in this club will be sold at our Fair on Friday 10th July. This club will re-run again before the Fair.
*NEW* Nurture Club for selected children in all years every Thursday until 4.30 p.m. from Thursday 27th February. The cost is £2.00 per week (this includes £1 tuck shop money), limited to 35 places. The last session will be Thursday 21st May. At times, this club may be cancelled if it overlaps with other events i.e. parents/carers evenings.
Football Training will continue after school until 4.45 p.m. every Friday, for children in Year 5 & 6. This club is full. The last session this half term is Friday 14th February and it recommences on Friday 28th February.
Chris Shield’s Healthy Lifestyle After School Club for Year 6 will continue on a Wednesday until Easter. Recommencing on Wednesday 26th February. This club is not on on Wednesday 12th February due to the Valentines Disco.
*Changes after Easter* Art club will continue every Friday from Friday 28th February, until 4.30 p.m., this club will run for Year 3 children until Friday 3rd April. After Easter this club will be offered to the children in Year 6.
Brass band – For current members will continue from Monday 24th February until 4.30 p.m. and is £1.50 per week.
Karate club – For existing members and will recommence on Tuesday 25th February.
Cross Country – This is a lunchtime running club for existing members. Children run Wednesday and Thursday lunchtimes. Selected children also run after school on a Tuesday. This club will run for the entire academic year. After School training will recommence on Tuesday 25th February.
A register of children attending all clubs will be taken. Band, karate, football, art and cross country remain as last term (members only).