Sport Relief brings the nation together to raise money through the power of sport. With your help, we fight inequality wherever we find it to create a better, fairer world – free from poverty.
On Friday 20th March children can come to school dressed in sport’s clothes to participate in a one hour street dance session, this is intentionally one week later than Sports Relief week due to other commitments in our school.
We are very conscious of the fact that we have been requesting money for charity already this year, including the Sports For Champions in February. In light of this we have decided not to raise money in terms of sponsorship for this event but if children would like to donate any funds to school that day, we will forward this onto Sports Relief. We will also be selling ‘Sports Relief 2020 Wristbands’ in school for £1 each, 50p of all wristbands sold is donated to Sport Relief, so we are happy that we are raising money in some way.
We are also conscious that we will be requesting sponsorship for our ‘IF U Care Share’ event on Friday 10th July.