Dear Parents and Carers,
I thought it prudent to write to inform you of our preparations in managing the threat of Coronavirus. As I write this letter we thankfully only have 1 confirmed case in County Durham, although I am sure the situation will not remain like this for long.
At the moment the advice from Public Health England and the Department of Education is for schools to remain open, of course this is a fluid situation and this advice may change โ we will keep you up to date with any changes in guidance via the school app and if necessary a school text message. Please do not follow any information relating to our school if it is not from one of our means of communication.
Currently we are placing great emphasis on hand washing and hygiene, each class will have a discrete Hygiene lesson, resources of which are provided by Public Health England.
We are in the process of ensuring each classroom have a good supply of tissues and means of disposing used tissues in a safe way. It would be supportive if you could speak with your child about hand washing and hygiene.
As previously mentioned, we will of course keep you up to date of any changes that potentially could have an impact on school and our families.
Kind regards,
Mr Dixon
Head Teacher