We have been instructed to close the school on Friday 20th March. The school will only be open to children with a named social worker, children with an EHC plan or children where BOTH parents are “key workers” as defined by the government. The list of occupations that qualify as key worker is below:
· DfE List to be announced today – Thursday 19th March
School will only be open on Monday 23rd March for those children where BOTH PARENTS are key workers and have no other childcare provision. The provision on offer will be purely childcare and not educational.
To enable us to plan staffing requirements to meet the needs of this group of children, please could you fill in the form (attached below) if you feel you are entitled to a childcare place and return it by 9 a.m. on the 20th March 2020. We will then be in touch with you to confirm arrangements. If your child is not in school today, you will be text a link to the form. We will accept the details required in an email to consettjunior@durhamlearning.net
As I’m sure you will appreciate, we need to ensure that provision is targeted at those families who are at the forefront of essential services in these challenging times. We also need to safeguard the health and wellbeing of school staff wherever possible by limiting social contact as advised by the government and DFE.
If the Government makes the decision to go into a full lockdown situation the school will be closed to everyone for that period. This information will be cascaded via the school app.
Kind Regards
Mr Dixon
Head Teacher