Good morning,
I just wanted to write a brief message to you all, on what would have been the start of our summer term.
Firstly, I hope you are all well, both physically and mentally, I also hope your wider family and friends remain safe; these hopes are shared by all the staff.
Secondly, can I thank those of you, who are still working, putting yourself and your families in greater danger, by going to work each day, supporting vulnerable people, be it in the community, care homes or in hospitals. I know we have have all shared our doorsteps on a Thursday evening, clapping and showing support – it has really been quite inspiring.
Thirdly, schools…at present the situation remains the same, the school is open to support children of Key worker’s with a skeleton staff in place, others are working from home. Guidance remains the same as the daily government briefings, nothing at present will change in the short term. If and when further guidance is given, we of course will get this to you at the earliest opportunity. For now, we will continue to prepare work packs, share and highlight any websites and opportunities to support our children and families.
As always Mrs Raine, is working very hard behind the scenes, to ensure everything is running smoothly, the credit for ensuring the voucher scheme for school meals is up and running, this is very much down to her. I must also thank the staff who are able to volunteer for the rota system, which allows us to staff the school at these strange times. Also a big thank you to the many families who are sending photos and messages to school, these are greatly received and help keep up moral in these difficult times.
Despite these strange times, I am hopeful that we will return to normality at some point, when I don’t know! Until that time, please keep safe and look after yourself and your families, I’m sure in the end our community will be closer for the challenges we have faced together.
Take care,
Paul Dixon
Head Teacher