We have made the decision to pay for a proportion of school uniform for children that we receive pupil premium funding for, you may not know if you fall into this category, if you do then we will send a school text message with a link to the uniform website. This offer applies to children coming to us from Year 2, as well as our current Year 3, 4 and 5. We feel that families who are struggling financially now, due to the current situation, do not need the added worry of how to provide uniform for their children for the new academic year.
If you are entitled and have already purchased uniform why not order additional items or even the next size up for the following school year, as this is not the normal procedure. We will place the order on your behalf, you just need to email us with the sizes you require consettjunior@durhamlearning.net
We are allocating each child two jumpers/cardigans, two polo shirts and one PE kit. when you place your order via email please include:
Your name
Your child’s name
Your child’s year group
The colour PE kit shorts you would prefer
The size of all garments.
Please do not order direct from Tots to Teams as this will require you to pay.
All orders that we place on your behalf must be emailed to school by 31st May 2020. Orders placed with us after this time will NOT be processed. The uniform will be delivered to school and we will inform you when it is ready to collect. As previously informed, uniform is in stock at present, but they may encounter difficulties with their suppliers in the near future.ย We feel processing a batch order asap will give us priority, plus it means there are three months for delivery to school.
We hope that this helps our families and takes the worry off something that is not important in the current circumstances.
Take Care
CJS Team