3rd June, 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
I just wanted to update you in regards to our preparations for welcoming a greater number of children into school.
Currently, we will be in a position to welcome year 6 children into school on the 15th June, staff will be ringing each family individually, this will be completed by the end of Tuesday 9th, this is to ascertain numbers. This will allow us to prepare the appropriate numbers of classrooms to accommodate the pupils who will be coming back into school. There will be 8 pupils per class.
The decision of returning to school lies firmly with families and their judgement will be totally respected, the decision to ring families, is just to give us clarity on numbers.
Alongside the Year 6 pupils we will continue to support the children of key worker children, currently we have 37 children registered to this group.
The government have expressed a desire that all children, at some point, return to school prior to the summer holidays; to be truthfully honest, this is unlikely to happen at Consett Juniors with current guidance and the 2m social distancing rule – our accommodation is not suitable. Obviously if guidance changes, we will adapt our planning.
Following this letter, I will also be sending out a guidance document for year 6 parents and children, setting out how the school day will look for them on the 15th June – this will hopefully help families make their decision whether to send their child back to school or not.
As always, I hope you and your families are well.
Paul Dixon