11th June, 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
I do hope you are all well. I know we are very much missing our lovely children, it is a very challenging time for us all.
It now seems unlikely that school will be opening to pupils other than year 6 and key worker children before the end of term. So looking forward and thinking about September I wanted to let you know which class your children will be in when hopefully, the world returns to some sort of ‘normal’.
Usually we would carefully review their current class and move children should their be a need. Last year we made significant changes to all class groups, in previous years we tend to only move pupils going into year 6 to prepare them for bigger class changes when they go to their next school. This however, won’t happen for next year – ALL children will remain in the same groups, albeit with a different teacher. We feel that having so much time away from school and then returning to a new class will be difficult enough, keeping them with their friends and those they know will hopefully help with transition back to school.
Your child’s ‘new’ teacher will share a video message to their new class, which we aim to upload to our site on Monday afternoon.
The classes for the next academic year will be as follows:
Current Year 3 – NEW Year 4
Mrs McMahon’s class will be moving to Class 4 – Mrs Taylor and Mrs Leggett
Mrs Smith’s class will move to Class 3 – Mr Meadows
They will be supported by Miss Thompson and Miss Lynch
Current Year 4 – NEW Year 5
Mr Meadows’s class will move to Class 5 – Miss Breheny
Miss Hughes/Mrs Leggett’s class will move to Class 6 – Mr Moore
They will be supported by Miss Hannant and Mrs Gilray
Current Year 5 – New Year 6
Miss Breheny’s class will move to Class 8 – Miss Waters
Mr Moore’s class will move to Class 7 – Miss McNeill
They will be supported by Mrs Atkinson and Mrs Hird
Our New Year 3 will receive further information once classes have been finalised, this is still being discussed to ensure we correctly split the children. However, their teachers will be Mrs McMahon and Miss White (newly appointed teacher for September), supported by Miss Oselton and Mrs Shield.
Many thanks, please stay safe.
Mr P Dixon
Head Teacher