Please see information below regarding the issue of FSM vouchers over summer. A RESPONSE IS REQUIRED. Please complete the short surveyin the link at the bottom of this page before 29/06/2020.
The Covid Summer Food Fund will provide support for children who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals (FSM) over the summer holiday period. Please refer to the Department for Education guidance here.
Each eligible child can receive a £90 eCode to cover the summer holiday period. Schools must order the eCode at least one week before the school term ends and it will be issued to the parent/carer within seven days unless they have specified a distribution date further in the future. We recognise a single £90 eCode may not be suitable for all families and schools have the discretion to schedule a number of smaller eCodes instead, if they see fit.
In all circumstances, an eCode must be issued to the parent/carer before the end of the school term. This will enable staff to identify if a family hasn’t received their eCode and resolve the issue before the holidays begin. If smaller vouchers have been scheduled, the last of these must be delivered by 14th August.