Please ensure your child returns to school in September on the same school meal arrangement they were on when they left (this applies to your voluntary meal option prior to lockdown in March). If your child is going to change from school meals to packed lunch (or reverse), you must inform Mrs Raine by this Friday (17th).
If your child returns to school and moves to packed lunches without this prior notice, you will be charged for their meals on ParentPay until you notify us otherwise. Please remember, school meals prices in September will increase to £2.10 per day.
In September, we will be continuing with the current Fun Friday Meal orders. This will allow any packed lunch children to access a meal on a Friday only, therefore no reason to commit to dinners full time. If you child already accesses these on a permanent basis, then this will remain the same in September.
Fun Friday meals must be ordered on the Monday of the week they would like it, this can be done by emailing Mrs Raine or permanently ordering this Friday option, just ring the office for more details. As we return as a whole school on Thursday 3rd September, you can place that week’s order on that day.
Kind Regards
CJS Team