Good evening,
I would just like to inform parents/carers that we are well aware of the issues with drop offs and collection at the school gates tonight. Whilst we are trying hard to follow the guidance with social distancing and bubbles, it is not straight forward and will evolve over the coming days.
It is not helped by adults and ex-pupils congregating at the school gates at the end of the day, as it makes it difficult for staff and children to see parents and family members of the children we have kept safe all day.
Also I am aware of some comments on Facebook that I feel are detrimental to our school. Many hours of work have gone into planning for reopening, which has been shared with all families throughout, it is not an exact science. However, if you have issues with anything I am more than happy to speak with you direct. Those who share their views via social media will find it difficult to resolve their issues and make things more difficult moving forward. Your concerns will not be addressed or resolved by using this method of complaint.
Please adhere to the start times, don’t arrive more than a couple of minutes earlier on a morning; likewise at the end of the school day children in upper school will not leave school until 15 minutes after lower school, so congregating at the gates is only going to cause issues for the whole school.
Mr Dixon
Head Teacher