There are an increasing number of families who are NOT contacting school to inform of the reason for their child’s absence. In the current climate it is absolutely vital that you do this. We have many methods of communication in place, which should offer flexibility of communication for all – with no barriers for contacting us.
Attendance at school is mandatory, therefore all absences must be reported ASAP. Depending on the reason for absence you may not need to contact school everyday, but you will be advised of this in the first instance. Failure to contact school could result in a home visit, or a welfare check from the Police.
Telephone: 01207 504431
Text: 07537 436638 – Only the primary carer will receive a school text message, used when the app is not suitable, i.e. absences, reminders, events, payments and school closure emergencies. You cannot reply to school texts but you can send separate texts to this number. Please use school texts to inform of absences, appointments or if you have a general inquiry.
Key Contacts:
Mr. P Dixon – Head teacher and Safeguarding Lead
Miss R Waters – Deputy Head teacher and Sendco
Mrs. D Raine – School Operations Manager and Safeguarding Officer
Kind regards
CJS Team