As you are all very aware, many events we usually have in school cannot go ahead this term. This is really disappointing for the children, yourselves and of course our team. In this autumn term we usually have a whole school Halloween school disco, the pantomime in school, brass band events, Christmas party day and the amazing Christmas show.
But fear not! As you can imagine we are pulling out all the stops to ensure the restrictions of Covid do not stop our events, even if this means changing the way we deliver them. But we need your help…
Some things we simply can’t do this year, like the disco and certain band events, but the other amazing things we will be able to deliver in a different way. What we are planning now is an ‘end of term finale’ which will be recorded and a link sent live to families to view on Christmas eve!
The event will be rehearsed after half term until Christmas as part of the children’s PE lessons and will be professionally recorded and edited before being sent to us to publish on our CJS Youtube page on Christmas Eve. All families sign a permission form to allow us to use photographs/videos from when they start with our school. As this is for a specific event we feel it is necessary to gain permission specifically for it, which will also give families the opportunity to ‘opt in’ should they have said no previously. If you do not want your child to be part of this video they will still be involved, but will not feature in the video that will be shared.
We are trying not to give too much away about this event, other than it will be well organised, professionally recorded and the children aim to bring Christmas cheer to us all on Christmas Eve.
Permission forms will be sent out next week. Please sign and return before Friday 23rd October.
Best Wishes
CJS Team