As reported on our most recent Newsletter, we are still waiting to to find out about how we can donate new and unused toys to the Salvation Army to distribute to families in need at Christmas. What we have so far been told is that the Salvation Army will most definitely be supporting families this Christmas but it may mean that the gifts made need to be collected from the warehouse, rather than distributed to schools.
They will also provide us with dates and times where donations can be made by families direct to the warehouse, so they are not coming into school. Once we have more details we will inform our families.
Do you need help this Christmas time? Every year we take calls with confidentially in the deepest regard, this year is no different. If you are struggling we can and will help you, but please do not hesitate on giving us a ring. Due to Covid, many more families are in financial difficulties than ever before. This charity is here to help.
CJS Team