The whole school attendance for November is 95.89% which is slightly below our floor target of 96%, but higher than October. Thank you again to families who are keeping us informed of any Covid symptoms and test results, this communication is key to protecting everyone in our school. So far we have been lucky to have no positive cases and symptoms are just that of general viruses expected at this time of the year.
The November attendance by year group is as follows:
Year 3 – 96.28%
Year 4 – 96.98% – Best year group – cake and cookie time!
Year 5 – 95.40%
Year 6 – 94.88%
As year 4 have achieved the best attendance for November each child in year 4 will be given a cake/giant cookie on Friday (4th December) as their reward.
Class 3 (Mr Meadows) have achieved the reward for the best class attendance at an amazing 97.06%, well done! The Class 3 reward for this is a FREE non-uniform day which will also be on Friday 4th December.
CJS Team