Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to send a seasonal message to you all and a big thanks for your support this term. It has certainly been the strangest of times in terms of school and life.
Since September and our full return to school, we have endeavoured to make sure school is as normal as possible for the children – this has only been possible because of the hard work of children and staff. They have followed all the various rules that we have had to put in place – they have my total gratitude and thanks.
I also need to say a huge thank you to Miss Waters and Mrs Raine, who have been a huge support to myself and the school these past months. I am also grateful to all our staff and Governors for their efforts this term. A special thank you must also go to Mr O’Dowd and our ‘two’ Mrs Wilson’s for their amazing efforts in keeping the school fully open and exceptionally clean.
Finally, a huge thank you to you all, the parents, and families of our wonderful children, who have shown your support throughout kind words throughout this term. The support does mean a great deal, especially when you receive government updates at crazy times of the day and night, your support has kept us going.
I hope you have a great Christmas Holiday and that you manage to spend some quality time, albeit safely, with your families. Let’s hope and pray that 2021 brings a return to more normal times.
So from our CJS family to yours, have a Merry Christmas and an amazing New Year.
Paul Dixon and the CJS Team.