Get ready to be amazed!
Usually, at this time of year the children are rehearsing show lines and dances to perform live on stage for their families and friends. As we were unable to do this we came up with a virtual alternative…Our Christmas Extravaganza!
Each year group has chosen and rehearsed a choreographed dance and performed safely outside within their year group bubble for all to enjoy.
The exciting part is that they do not know what the dance of other year groups looks like, so as much as a surprise to them as our families.
We chose to release our video on Christmas Eve – to get all our families in the festive mood. We figured you will have been running around like headless ‘turkeys’ all week and deserve to now sit back and put your feet up. For many families today is traditionally panto day…this year we are stealing that glory.
The cost of filming this has been met by school, but should you wish to make a donation to school fund it will be gratefully received.
Permission was sought from the parents/carers of all children in this video, and at the time of giving permission, families were informed that this video would feature on our CJS YouTube page with comments disabled.
Enjoy everyone – have a lovely Christmas and stay safe
From all staff at CJS.