Dear families
If you are entitled to Free School Meals you will be aware of the voucher scheme(s) the Government have previously provided. Since the recent lockdown was announced we have offered packed lunches and more recently, food hampers to qualifying families.
We have now been informed that the voucher scheme that was used last year (Edenred) will soon be available again. It is down to the school to decide which option we offer families, i.e. packed lunches, hampers or vouchers. We have chosen to offer vouchers as we have done previously. This will start w/c 25th January. We have chosen this option as we feel it is more convenient than the alternatives. Please note, if you have previously requested food hampers the delivery w/c 18th January will still be processed as it is too late to change.
Once the Edenred system is up and running I will be applying for vouchers of FSM families who are not currently attending school. These vouchers will be delivered to your email and will cover a two week period, therefore £15 per week per child delivered in one ecode. Therefore, families with more than one child in our school will get one combined code to cover the two week period with all their children’s amounts added together.
For families familiar with Edenred, you may well be in agreement with me when I say that there were several issues in the processing of them last year, I hope that it will be an easier process this time round.
Vouchers will only be paid to families if their children are not currently in school, FSM children in school have access to meals from our kitchen.
Edenred are the voucher providers for ‘term time’ only; we are still waiting to find out who/how vouchers will be paid to families in the February half term.
I will be using the email addresses that the Winter Vouchers were emailed too, so if your email has changed since Christmas then please let me know. If your details are still the same you do not need to do anything or contact me, I will do it all for you.
If you feel your circumstances have changed and are now entitled to FSM, please contact me on the email below.
Take care
Mrs Raine