The whole school attendance for April was 95.39%. Our floor target for the whole school is above 96%, although this is only slightly below our target we are very concerned about some individual attendance of pupils in school. We appreciate this has been a year like no other, and it has been a very difficult one to focus on attendance. But now school has been open in full for a while we are noticing trends in some children’s absences. This could mean we are noticing that they are absent on certain days more regularly or they are absent frequently with the same reasons provided.
We will post attendance summaries and information home to parents where we have found there is cause for concern, following this, meeting will be set up to try and support families in improving their children’s attendance.
As children have missed so much time in school, we can only support them in ‘catching up’ if they attend full time. We have several interventions groups per class to support the children’s education.
Well done to Year 4 for the highest year group attendance for April – 96.74%, their treat is a giant cookie/muffin on Friday 7th May. Well done to class 4 (Miss Thompson and Mrs Taylor) for the highest-class attendance (96.92%) their treat is a non-uniform day on Friday 7th May.
CJS Team