On Wednesday the 7th of July we are going to have our sports day-albeit a little different this year. This event will be carried out in year group bubbles with children competing in their school competition houses.
Years 3 & 4 will be taking part in a range of events in the morning and year 5 & 6 will be having their sports day in the afternoon. For this event we are asking children to wear a t-shirt in their house colour (class teachers will be reminding children of their house) and sports wear on the bottom.
Aynsley: blue.
Dale: yellow.
Edgar: green.
Unsworth: red.
Also, please be mindful of the weather on this day as a hat and sun cream may be required, as well as an extra water bottle.
Unfortunately, parents will not be able to spectate this year, but our school photographer will be in taking lots of pictures which we will convert into a fun video for you to view on our School’s YouTube channel.
Good luck to everyone and may the best house win…
CJS Team